Ground transport combined
Combined transport system is the transport of goods in one and the same transport unit (in large containers, swap bodies, roll-off container) or road vehicle, which uses a single trip also rail or water transport. It is the transport of goods in one and the same transport unit using several modes of transport, taking only translates unit cost combined transport, rather than actual merchandise. The concept of intermodal transport is young, but very dynamically growing activity of our company; We combine overland truck haulage road, which is used for initial or final leg of the journey and are transported to the towing vehicle or without the remaining part of the journey by rail.
The system is applied to the shipping lines:
- Germany
- Italy
- Benelux
- France - Nord Picardie
- United Kingdom - London area, Birmingham area, Liverpool area
Condition for fulfilling the meaningful use of intermodal transport:
- Regular flow of goods
- Larger quantities transported commodity
Advantages of the system for the client:
- Lower price for transport
- Higher amounts taken away